GENRE : Mystery | Thriller | Sci-Fi
PLOT : Colter Stevens wakes up in a train next to Christina but finds out that he's a part of a project where his mission lies in detecting the bomber.
REVIEW : I must say a very promising concept. Its not something we haven't seen earlier but it is a refreshed version. Still I feel Ben Ripley failed to justice with the plot. Duncon Jones has tried to direct it with efficiency but it don't stand to the level it should have gone with the brilliancy in concept. At one point of time I started feeling bored with the repetition of things and going through the same thing again and again without any limit. This is the same thing that happened with Vantage Point. The movie is very good despite of all the facts but it could have gone par limits. Climax will be quite surprising for everyone I guess. But there is no such thing like repeated viewings to understand. The climax was amateur and is left to be on the viewer's interpretation. But it's not at all done with the elegance it was left in Inception for example. Viewers are left confused as no information regarding it has been given and the climax ends as well without explaining things. Anyways I liked the movie as I said but I wish it was more powerful and more vivid.
RATING : - - - - - - 7 - - -